Puerto Rican Vodou is called Sanse, a malapropism of the Haitian Creole word for ancestor, Zansèt. Sanse is the spiritualist tradition of the 21 Divisions (Las 21 Divisiones). The practice involves rituals, prayers, offerings, and initiation where mediums act as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds. Sanse combines Indigenous Taino Spirituality, African Diasporic Religion, and European Spiritism. The goal is to seek healing, guidance, and spiritual development through the interaction with a person's ancestors and spirit guides. Puerto Rican Sanse reflects the cultural blending and syncretism that has occurred in Puerto Rico and the United States, where diverse spiritual traditions have intersected and influenced one another. It is practiced by individuals and communities who embrace this combination of spiritual beliefs and practices. This practice is not "closed" and anyone who wants to initiate into it is welcome. Philip offers initiation as a four day retreat and training in Western Massachusetts. If you are interested in initiation book a private consultation with him HERE.
The closest airport to Philip is Bradley International Airport in Hartford County, Connecticut. We recommend flying in and he will pick you up. Here is the website to the airport.
Required Books For Initiation
Puerto Rican Vodou: A Brief Introduction to Sanse Religion - Philip Ryan Deal
Brujo Ryan's Book of Medicinal and Magical Herbalism Volumes One and Two - Philip Ryan Deal